All posts by Nancy Lawson

Nancy Lawson is the author of The Humane Gardener: Nurturing a Backyard Habitat for Wildlife. A columnist for All Animals magazine, she founded Humane Gardener, an outreach initiative dedicated to animal-friendly landscaping methods. Her book and garden have been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, O: The Oprah Magazine, and other media outlets.

Will You Be My Valentine?

Love is in the air, in the water, on the leaves, under the logs, and everywhere else we nurture enough habitat for animals to safely breed and nest. Love is also in this post for you—an expression of my gratitude for all that you do to nurture the animals and plants in your own wildlife gardens. Though you haven’t heard from me in a while as I devote my creative energies to a new book project, I’ve still been thinking about you. In fact, I’ve been saving these videos of animal love fests to share with my friends on Valentine’s Day! These are just a few of the wild affairs we’ve witnessed over the past year. I hope you don’t mind if I keep my words to a minimum and let the videos speak for themselves. My love and a big virtual hug to all of you, my friends!

Flirty Frogs

Sexy Spicebush Swallowtails

Randy Rabbits

Mating Monarchs

Love Bugs

Randy Rabbits, Part 2

Because really, who can ever get enough of randy rabbits?? I hope you’ve enjoyed these videos. Please stay in touch, and check out my Humane Gardener Events Calendar if you want to attend a virtual presentation this year. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Featured image of syrphid flies and all videos: Nancy Lawson/Humane Gardener