“A brilliant talk.”
“This is probably the best online class I have ever attended at Mt Cuba.”
“Your energy throughout was captivating.”
“Many thanks, it was extraordinary—a true joy!”
“Your presentation was phenomenal. It was probably one of the best I’ve ever been to.”
“You are a rock star on behalf of all nature!”
“I really can’t fully express how much I’m enjoying this presentation. Thank you so much for sharing!”
“Thanks for a wonderful presentation! I appreciated learning so many new ideas for co-existence. “
“This is the most profound educational experience.”
“Amazing presentation—thank you!”
“Very motivational. So many brilliant observations!”
That’s what attendees and organizers are saying about my presentations at venues across the country, from Mt. Cuba Center in Delaware to Tennessee Valley Wild Ones in Tennessee to the Texas Native Plant Society. At native plant symposiums, master gardener events, Audubon Society meetings, national wildlife refuges, nature centers, animal welfare organizations, garden clubs, and other venues, attendees of Humane Gardener presentations leave energized and armed with practical ideas for transforming their landscapes for wildlife.
Read what else audience members are saying!

February 11: Opening Keynote, Plan It Native Landscapes Conference, Kansas City, Missouri
February 15: Georgia Native Plant Society, virtual conference
March 1: Mad Gardeners Symposium, Falls Village, Connecticut
March 8: Keynote, GardenWise 2025, York County Master Gardeners Symposium, York, Pennsylvania
March 28: University of Maryland Entomology Seminar Series, College Park, Maryland
April 3: Three Harbors Garden Club, Cold Spring Harbor, New York
May 7: Ecological Gardening Summit, virtual
May 15: Yes, in My Back (And Front!) Yard: Normalizing and Legalizing Wildlife Gardens, HSUS and Justice Clearinghouse (virtual)
“Wonderful presentation. I will rethink the groundhog that has been so annoying in my yard. Beautiful pics. Your energy throughout was captivating.” –Irene Bader Calotta, attendee at Native Plant Society of New Jersey’s fall 2022 conference
“Your presentation was phenomenal. Honestly, it was probably one of the best I’ve ever been to and I’ve been to kabillions of them.”–Joy VanderLek, Cheshire Pollinator Pathway, Connecticut
“This is the most profound educational experience. I’ve received validation on my personal observations and intuitions regarding the way forward in helping Mother Earth to survive.”–Andrea M., participant in Zoom presentation for Wild Ones, Tennessee Valley chapter
“I believe that even the most seasoned gardeners in our group learned much about the complex interactions in our natural world. I whole-heartedly recommend Nancy as a speaker and author.” –Nancy Berlin, Virginia Cooperative Extension Prince William Master Gardener Coordinator
“We had the pleasure of attending Nancy Lawson’s presentation of planting for the animals. She is such an inspiration and gives me hope for our Mother Earth. Native plants and no chemicals are a great start for better habitats.” –Debra Kramer, attendee, evening lecture sponsored by St. Louis Audubon Society, Missouri Prairie Foundation, Missouri Department of Conservation and Greenscape Gardens
“Your presentation was so enlightening! I loved your book, too, and even though I have been a habitat steward for decades I still learned lots.”–Marney Bruce, past president and board member, Maryland Native Plant Society
“Thank you for engaging such a great speaker for Tuesday’s meeting. It was one of the best, and I took away a lot to think about, many good ideas, and one of her books as well! Perfect mix of information, anecdotes, and slides/videos. Really, really enjoyable!”–Member, Reston Garden Club, Reston, Va.
“Many of the people in our group had heard Doug Tallamy speak but thought your presentation brought it down to a more personal ‘what can I do in my yard?’ perspective.”–Sharon Patterson, president, Marion County Master Gardeners Association, Indianapolis, Indiana
“I came to learn how to eliminate invasive vegetation that takes over my patio without harming animals or insects. … But I learned so much more, and am now excited to learn more about humane gardening. Can’t look at lawns and leaf blowers the same way anymore!”–Caron T., Alexandria, Virginia
About the Presentations
A World of Discovery: How Science and Heart Can Make You a More Ecological Gardener
Much has been written about gardening for human senses, but how do plants and animals perceive the world around them? What do we miss when we landscape for human visual appeal but neglect the sensory experiences of our wild neighbors? Noise, light and odor pollution can have many unintended consequences. Conventional gardening practices often interfere with animals’ and plants’ abilities to interact with their environment in ways we can scarcely imagine. Through science, heart, and our powers of observation, we can learn to mitigate these disruptions and create sensory refuges in an increasingly noisy world.
Humane Gardener: Nurturing Habitat for Wildlife
Why do we call some insects “beneficial” while others are “pests”? Why are some plants considered “desirable” while others are “weeds”? In my myth-busting talks, learn how common growing methods divide the natural world into false dichotomies and perpetuate misperceptions about the wild species living among us. Discover practical ways to put humane gardening philosophies into action by protecting wild nurseries of animals large and small, eliminating unintended hazards to wildlife, nurturing plants that provide food and shelter, and humanely resolving conflicts with mammals and other commonly misunderstood creatures. Contact me for more information.
Other presentation topics include:
How to Fight Plants with Plants: Partnering with vigorous natives to crowd out invasives
How to Really Save the Bees: It’s not about hives—it’s about habitat!
A Danger-Free Zone: Mitigating backyard hazards to wildlife
Gardening Among Hungry Mammals: Strategies for success
Yes, in My Backyard: Creating a wildlife garden within an HOA community
Past Humane Gardener Events:
January 18: Evening lecture, “A World of Discovery: How Science and Heart Can Make you a More Ecological Gardener,” Howard County Conservancy, Woodstock, Maryland, 7-8:30 p.m.
January 25: Winter lecture series, virtual, “A World of Discovery,” Olbrich Botanical Gardens, Madison, Wisconsin, 6:30-8 p.m. ET/5:30-7 CT
February 20: Virtual webinar (for members), “A World of Discovery,” Durham Garden Forum, Durham, North Carolina, 7-8:30
February 23-25: Featured speaker, Lawn and Garden Show, Ozark Empire Fairgrounds and Event Center, Springfield, Missouri
March 5: Symposium presentation, “A World of Discovery,” Davidson Horticultural Symposium, Davidson, North Carolina
March 9: Keynote, virtual, Connecticut Master Gardeners Association
March 19: Presentation for 10th anniversary, The Garden Club at St. James, Southport, North Carolina
March 23: Speaker series, virtual, “A World of Discovery with Science and Heart,” Mt Cuba Center, Hockessin, Delaware, 11-12:30
April 3: Virtual, “A World of Discovery: How Science and Heart Can Make you a More Ecological Gardener,” American Horticultural Society, 7 p.m.
April 20: Book signing, Lauren’s Garden Service and Native Plant Nursery, 11-1
April 23: Evening lecture, “How to (Gently) Fight Plants with Plants: Using Native Plants to Crowd Out Invasives,” Takoma Park Community Center, Main Auditorium, Takoma Park, Maryland, 7 p.m.
April 25: Evening lecture & book signing, Chestertown Garden Club, Norman James Theatre/Smith Hall, Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland, 6-7:30 p.m.
April 30: Virtual, “A World of Discovery: How Science and Heart Can Make you a More Ecological Gardener,” Western Reserve Land Conservancy, Moreland Hills, Ohio, 6:30-8 p.m.
May 8: Fords Colony Garden Club, Williamsburg, Virginia
May 8: Virtual, Evenings with Experts, “Gardening Among Hungry Mammals,” Grow Native Massachusetts, 7-8:30 p.m.
May 13: “A World of Discovery,” Lancaster Garden Club, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
May 21: “How to Really Save the Bees and Other Pollinators,” Howard County Bee City, Miller Branch Library, 7 p.m.
June 4: Webinar, “Who’s Nibbling in Your Garden? Solving Conflicts with Woodchucks, Rabbits and Other Garden ‘Nibblers,'” HSUS and Justice Clearinghouse, 1-2:15 p.m. ET
June 15: Keynote, “The Humane Gardener: Nurturing Habitat for Wildlife,” South Carolina Festival of Flowers Annual Gardening Symposium, Greenwood, South Carolina
July 6: Science Speaker Series, “A World of Discovery,” The Wild Center, Tupper Lake, NY, 1-2 p.m.
July 20: Keynote, West Virginia Master Naturalists State Conference, 8 p.m.
September 17: Mountain Lauren Garden Club, Deep Creek Lake, Maryland
October 21: Rochester Garden Club, Rochester, New York
December 7: Keynote, UVM Extension Master Gardener Conference (virtual)
January 28: Keynote speaker, “The Humane Gardener: Nurturing Habitat for Wildlife,” Horticulture Symposium: “Go Wild With Your Gardening,” Chattahootchee Nature Center, Roswell, Georgia
February 11: Keynote speaker, “A World of Discovery: How Science and Heart Can Make You a More Ecological Gardener,” Prince William Native Plant Symposium, Manassas, Virginia
February 22: Keynote speaker (virtual), “A World of Discovery: How Science and Heart Can Make You a More Ecological Gardener,” Ecological Landscape Alliance
March 16: “Let’s Talk Gardens” webinar series: “A World of Discovery: How Science and Heart Can Make You a More Ecological Gardener,” Smithsonian Gardens
March 25: Keynote speaker, Watershed Stewards Academy Annual Conference, Annapolis, MD
April 20: “The Humane Gardener: Nurturing Wildlife Habitat,” Lessonfest, organized by Lessonface, virtual
April 22: Keynote speaker, “A World of Discovery: How Science and Heart Can Make You a More Ecological Gardener,” Keweenaw Native Plant Symposium, Keweenaw (MI) chapter of Wild Ones, virtual
May 20: Session speaker, “How to Fight Plants with Plants: Using Natives to Crowd Out Invasives,” Irvine Nature Center Native Plant Sale & Workshop, Owings, Mills, Md.
June 5-7: Two 15-minute sessions: “Yes, in My Backyard: Welcoming Wildlife in HOA Communities” and “Monarch Rx: Exploring a Little-Known Behavior of a Beloved Butterfly,” International Urban Wildlife Conference, Washington DC
June 14: Virtual: “The Humane Gardener: Nurturing Habitat for Wildlife,” Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center, Brattleboro, Vermont, 7 p.m. via Zoom
June 20: Session speaker, “The Humane Gardener: Nurturing Habitat for Wildlife,” International Master Gardener Conference, Overland Park, Kansas
September 12: “A World of Discovery: Gardening for Wildlife Senses,” Maryland Horticultural Society, Cylburn Arboretum, Baltimore, Maryland
September 23: “Gardening Among Hungry Mammals: Strategies for Coexisting with Our Wild Neighbors,” 2023 Massachusetts Gardening Symposium, Massachusetts Master Gardener Association, Waltham, Massachusetts
October 19: “A World of Discovery,” Howard County Conservancy, Woodstock, Maryland
October 21: Keynote speaker, “A World of Discovery: How Science and Heart Can Make You a More Ecological Gardener,” Plant Native! Festival, Glen Allen, Virginia
October 25: Virtual book presentation/discussion, Sierra Club Maryland chapter, Zoom
November 5: Annual Jenny Elder Fitch Memorial Lecture: “A World of Discovery: How Science and Heart Can Make You a More Ecological Gardener,” North Carolina Botanical Garden, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
November 8: “A World of Discovery: How Science and Heart Can Make You a More Ecological Gardener,” Speaker Series, Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, Maryland
November 13: “A World of Discovery,” Severn River Association, Annapolis, Maryland
November 16: Conservation Cafe: “Yes, in My HOA Back (and Front) Yard! A panel discussion about low-impact landscaping in HOAs,” Nature Forward (Virtual)
November 19: “A World of Discovery: How Science and Heart Can Make You a More Ecological Gardener,” Joint Lecture, Scott Arboretum and Hardy Plant Society, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
December 7: “Yes, in my Back (and Front) Yard!” Turning a New Leaf Conference, Chesapeake Conservation Landscaping Council, Kent Island, Maryland
December 7: Book signing, Old Fox Books & Coffeehouse, Annapolis, Maryland, 7-9 p.m.
December 20: Book signing, Cultivate Garden & Goods, Ellicott City, Maryland, 5-7 p.m.
February 23: Natural History Society of Maryland Zoom presentation, “Monarch Rx: Exploring a Little-Known Behavior of a Beloved Butterfly,” with Nancy Lawson and Dr. Michael Boppré
March 14: Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional lunchtime webinar: “Yes, in My Backyard! Strategies for Normalizing (And Legalizing) Wildlife Gardens in HOA Communities”
March 27: Butterfly Society of Virginia, “Exploring a Little Known Behavior of a Beloved Butterfly,” virtual presentation with Nancy Lawson and Dr. Michael Boppré
March 31: North and South Rivers Watershed Association Gardening Green Expo, Norwell, Massachusetts, Featured Speaker
April 20: Twin Cities Wild Ones Zoom presentation: “The Humane Gardener”
May 18: Garden Club of Old Greenwich, Connecticut, and Perrot Library Zoom presentation, 7 p.m.
June 4: Citizens Coalition for Wildlife and Environment, “Plant for Nature” event, featured speaker, Grand Island, NY, 1 p.m.
July 23: Midwest Native Plant Conference, Keynote: “The Humane Gardener,” Dayton, Ohio
September 15: Cheshire Public Library Zoom presentation, sponsored by the Cheshire Pollinator Pathway, Connecticut, 7 p.m.
October 23: Butterfly Society of Virginia, Virginia Beach, Va., annual meeting, 3 p.m.
November 5: Native Plant Society of New Jersey’s virtual fall conference, “Native Plants: Sustaining and Restoring Life,” 9 a.m.-3:30
February 13: Mt. Cuba Center Winter Lecture Series, 11-12:15, Hockessin, Del. (Snow date: Feb. 20)
March 10: City of Hyattsville, Md., 7 p.m.
March 20: Gardening in the Northern Neck Seminar, Northern Neck Master Gardeners, White Stone, Va.
April 20: Green Towson Alliance, Book Discussion: The Humane Gardener, 7:30 p.m.
April 22-25: Colonial Williamsburg’s Garden Symposium, “Celebrate Planet Earth: Giving Back With Our Gardens,” Williamsburg, Va.
April 29: Wild Ones Keweenaw Native Plant Symposium, Michigan, keynote address, 7:30 p.m.
May 15: City Wildlife, Washington, DC., 10 am.
May 20: “Gardening for Critters and Drinks with Bitters,” Eat, Drink & Learn Series, 7 p.m., Irvine Nature Center, Owings Mills, Md.
August 5: New Directions in the American Landscape: “Lawns, Leaves & Laws: Practical Pathways Toward Lawn Alternatives and Ecological Turf Cultivation,” presentation and interdisciplinary roundtable. See details and registration link here. 1-4:30 p.m.
September 1: Fall Webinar Series keynote, Plant Virginia Natives, 6:30-8 p.m.
October 14: Native Plant Society of Texas, Williamson County chapter, 7:30 p.m.
Jan. 9: Oxford Garden Club, 2 p.m., Oxford, Md.
Feb. 8: Wild Ones Chesapeake, Kensington, Md.
Feb. 29: “Gardening Among Hungry Mammals: Strategies for Success,” Pines on the Severn, Arnold, Md.
Feb. 13: Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Winter Symposium, with Central Virginia Nursery and Landscape Association, Richmond, Va., Feb. 13;
March 9: “How to Really Save the Bees,” Howard County Bee City Public Meeting, Ellicott City, Md.
April 26: Audubon Afternoon, Audubon Society of Northern Virginia: Virtual Presentation
June 24: Pollinator Week with Bee City Howard County, Virtual Presentation/Habitat Tour
July 20: “There’s No Place Like Home,” Zoom Presentation, Alexandria Library, noon-1:30 p.m.
July 31: “Finding Home: Getting to Know the Plants and Animals in Your Own Backyard,” Howard County Conservancy, Facebook Live event, 11-11:20 a.m.
September 9: “Restoring Pollinator Habitat,” Takoma Alliance for Local Living Economy, Zoom presentation, 8-9:30 p.m.
September 14: “Nurturing Wildlife Habitat,” Tennessee Valley Chapter of Wild Ones, Zoom presentation, 6-7:30 p.m.
September 19: Invasive Plants Expert Panel, Natural Places Monthly Meeting, Sierra Club Maryland Chapter, Zoom Presentation and Q&A, 2-4 p.m.
To schedule a presentation, send me a message here. See reviews and learn more about The Humane Gardener: Nurturing a Backyard Habitat for Wildlife.
January 2019: “How to Fight Plants with Plants,” Watershed Stewards Academy, Arlington Echo Outdoor Education Center, Millersville, Md., Jan. 15
February 2019: Watershed Stewards Academy annual conference, Pasadena, Md., Feb 23; Howard County Conservancy evening lecture, Woodstock, Md., Feb. 28
March 2019: University of Rhode Island Garden Symposium, Kingston, RI. March 2; Montgomery County Master Gardeners, Gaithersburg, Md., March 7; keynote presentation, sponsored by Grow Native!, St. Louis Audubon Society, Greenscape Gardens and Missouri Department of Conservation, Powder Valley Nature Center, St. Louis, Mo., March 8; keynote and afternoon session presentation, MDC Cape Girardeau Conservation Nature Center, Native Plant Seminar, Cape Girardeau, Mo., March 9; Cattail River Garden Club, Sykesville, Md., March 12; Loudoun County Master Gardeners Annual Gardening Symposium, Leesburg, Va., March 23
April 2019: BizCon-X of Central Maryland panel discussion: “Spring Planting is Here! Tips to garden responsibly,” April 2; Annapolis Book Festival, Annapolis, Md., April 6; Garden Club of Darien, Darien, Conn., April 9; Untitledtown Book and Author Festival, Green Bay, Wisc., April 27
May 2019: Garden Club of Eastern Shore, Easton, Md., May 10; Humane Rescue Alliance, Washington, D.C., May 14
July 2019: Saturday in the Garden, Master Gardeners of Prince William, Bristow, Va.
September 2019: “How to Fight Plants with Plants,” Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve, New Hope, Pa.,, Sept.7; Georgetown Garden Club, Washington, D.C., Sept. 12; Harford County Master Gardeners, Street, Md., Sept. 18
October 2019: Asbury Methodist Village, Gaithersburg, Md., Oct. 7
November 2019: “An Evening of Storyelling,” Howard County Conservancy, Woodstock, Md., Nov.8
January 2018: Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve, New Hope, Pa., 2 p.m. Jan. 23: Virginia Biological Farming Conference, Hot Springs, Va. Jan. 28: Friends of Green Spring Gardens Harry Allen Winter Lecture Series, Alexandria, Va.
February 2018: Feb. 9: Cape Conservation Corps, Cape St. Claire, Md.
March 2018: March 7: Charles E. Miller Branch and Historical Center, Howard County Library System, Ellicott City, Md. March 10: Oklahoma Gardening School, Myriad Botanical Gardens, Oklahoma City, Okla. March 15: Beverley Hills Garden Club, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Alexandria, Virginia. March 17: Rutgers Home Gardeners School, New Brunswick, NJ. March 21: Friends of Villa Terrace 2018 Spring Garden Lectures, Milwaukee, Wis. March 24: Year of Sustainability Lecture Series, Middletown Library, Middletown, Md. March 26: Environmental Open House, Howard County Sierra Club: book sale and signing, Savage, Md.
April 2018: April 13: Heartlands Senior Living Community, Ellicott City, Md. April 15: Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ. April 19: Clarksville Commons, Clarksville, Md. April 21: Environmental Advisory Council Lecture Series, Lower Makefield Township, Yardley, Pa. April 22: Homestead Gardens, Severna Park, Md. April 26: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. April 28: Book signing for Independent Bookstore Day, Curious Iguana, Frederick, Md. April 29: Piney Run Nature Center, Sykesville, Md.
May 2018: May 2: Southern Maryland Audubon Society. May 3: Prince William Wildflower Society, Manassas, Va. May 10: St. Francis of Assisi Garden Club, Fulton, Md. May 10: Garden Club of College Gardens, Rockville Senior Center, Rockville, Md. May 12: U.S. Botanic Garden, Washington, D.C. May 15: Howard County Master Naturalists, Training Class, Robinson Nature Center, Columbia, Md.
June 2018: June 1: Adkins Arboretum, Ridgely, Md.
July 2018: July 21: Homestead Gardens, Davidsonville, Md. July 28: Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve, Native Bee Workshop, New Hope, Pa.
August 2018: August 14: Anne Arundel County Master Gardeners, Glen Burnie, Md. August 21: Perennial Plant Association, Wellesley, Mass.
September 2018: Sept. 21: Fort Meade Area Garden Club, Jessup, Md. Sept. 29: Frederick County Public Libraries: Brunswick, Md.
October 2018: Oct. 1: Falls Church Garden Club, Falls Church, Va. Oct. 4: University of Delaware, Newark, Del. Oct. 8: Queen Anne’s County Garden Club, Kent Island Library, Stevensville, Md, 1 p.m. Oct. 23: Conservation and Environmental Awareness Day, Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland, Cylburn Arboretum, Baltimore, Md.
December 2018: Dec. 9: Green Towson Alliance, Towson, Md.
April 2017: Robinson Nature Center, Columbia, Md., April 9; Howard County GreenFest, Columbia, Md., April 22.
May 2017: Curious Iguana, Frederick, Md., May 3; St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center, Madison, NJ, May 4; Second Chance Wildlife Center, Baby Shower, Gaithersburg, Md., May 6; Sykesville Art & Wine Festival, May 7, Sykesville, Md.; Virginia Native Plant Society, Green Spring Gardens, May 11, Alexandria, Va.; Green Festival Expo, Washington, DC, May 14; Master Gardener and Master Naturalist Annual Training Conference, College Park, Md., May 25.
June 2017: Behnke Nurseries, Beltsville, Md., June 3; Friends of Bombay Hook, Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge, Smyrna, Del., June 10: Northshire Bookstore, Saratoga Springs, NY, June 16; Lunch and Garden Tour, Saratoga Springs, NY, June 17.
August 2017: Books with a Past, Glenwood, Maryland, August 5; Alexandria Library, Alexandria, Va., August 19.
September 2017: Little Farms Garden Club, Potomac, Md., September 11: Montgomery Village Garden Club, Gaithersburg, Md., September 11; Marion County Master Gardeners Association, Indianapolis, Indiana, September 13; Bucks County Audubon Society, New Hope, Pennsylvania, September 23; Maryland Native Plant Society, Kensington Park Library, Kensington, Maryland, September 26; Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge, Smyrna, Delaware, September 30
October 2017: Reston Garden Club, Reston, Virginia, October 3; Islamic Society of Basking Ridge, New Jersey, October 7-8; Annapolis Roads Garden Club, Annapolis, Maryland, October 11; Oregon Ridge Nature Center, Cockeysville, Maryland, October 16
November 2017: Takoma Park Horticultural Club, November 15
Photos by Ernesto Del Aguila III